Jamie Matter
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James S Matter MFT

call 415 541 5080 info@jamesmattermft.com


None of this is therapy or a substitute for therapy! If you are REALLY in CRISIS call 911! Somebody cares about you, even if you can't think of who that is right now.

"You, as much as anyone in the Universe, deserve your love and compassion"  --Buddha

If you're  having a hard time, http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ can help, or call 1 800 273 TALK (800 273-8255). If you are deaf or hearing impaired the web site has live chat, TTY number, and other options.

In San Francisco (or from anywhere), call (415) 781-0500 24 hours.

SF Suicide preveniton also has live chat 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. local time Monday-Friday. http://www.sfsuicide.org/get-help/livechat/

If you're feeling cynical-- "Those professional counseling people are only in it for the money!" Most hotlines are staffed by volunteers. From knowing people who worked on the SF suicide prevention line, I know that they are trained  volunteers-- and not everyone who starts the training gets on the phones, either.

http://suicidehotlines.com/national.html This site has some material you might want to read.


Jamie Matter Psychotherapy foto of puppy for help page
There are people who care.
Things will get better.
First, get through the hard time.
1 800 273 TALK
(800 273 8255
In San Francisco
415 781 0500
24 hours.
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  © James S Matter, all rights reserved. Copy, content and images are created by and property of James S Matter. | All claims or representations made on this web page are fully in compliance with the requirements for advertising for Marriage and Family Therapists as issued by the Board of Behavioral Sciences of the State of California, which regulates advertising by Marriage and Family Therapists. Furthermore, the claims made also follow the ethical standards set forth by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) | None of this is therapy or a substitute for therapy! If you are REALLY in CRISIS call 911 | James Somervell Matter, license # 40916
James S Matter Mailing Address: 2912 Diamond St. #119 San Francisco CA 94131